Ratha Saptami Pooja Vidhanam Vratha Katha in Telugu

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According to a narrative found in the Bhavishya Purana, courtesan Indumati never gave to charity. When Vashistha Muni had reached the end of his useful life, he went to the sage and sought a way to get rid of him. The sage answered to the courtesans, “Do Achala Saptami Vrat on the Saptami of Magh month” (Achala Saptami Vrat). To do this, eat only once on the day of Shashthi, then before taking a bath on Saptami morning, put seven leaves of Aak on your head, focus on the sun, and chant “Namaste Rudraupaya Rasanam Patye Namah” while shaking the water from the sugarcane. Namha Varuna.

The significance of each month in the Hindu calendar varies. Magha Masam, the month that is supposedly the most important for Sun worship, is therefore a great time to worship Shiva, Vishnu, Ganesha, and Shakthopasana. Shiva and Sun worship both benefit from it. The Moon is connected to the Magha Nakshatra in this month, thus the name Maghamasam. Although the entire month is fortunate for Suriyapasan, the Sundays in this month and Rathasaptami can be particularly lucky. Ratha Saptami is still observed even though Surya Vrat on Maghapadivaras is a highly significant occasion.

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Ratha Saptami Pooja Vidhanam Vratha Katha in Telugu

  • Krishna Saptami As Telugu Rath Saptami is the day for cow dung worship, Pooja Vidhanam is considered lucky on this day.
  • A horse-drawn chariot with fresh pulses is waiting in front of the shrine at Tulsikota. The pulses are sacrificed to the gods by being covered in milk. Worship with either red or pink flowers on Rathsaptami
  • One should take a bath while reciting “Namostu te Parivam Kurushvedam Maghasnanam Mahavratam” out of devotion to Surya and Govind. This is a typical Maghama bathing practise. Another crucial point to bear in mind during Rathasaptami.
  • Keep jilledu leaves and plum teeth on your head while taking a bath in rice, sesame, durval, akshata, and sandalwood-infused water. Additionally, say three times, “Yadyajjanmakritam papam maya saptasu jmansu tanme rogam cha shokancha makari hantu saptami!” According to the Dharmashastras, if you take a bath in this manner, you would reap the advantages of both a Suryagrahan bath and a Ganga bath.
  • The day that Lord Surya made his appearance, Magashudda Saptami, is regarded as his birthdate. Indians think that it was named Rathasaptami in the distant past. It is the day when the sun, the source of all light, gets on the chariot and changes course. On such a lucky day, certain actions not only benefit health but also soothe the symptoms of chronic illnesses.
  • The night before Rathasaptami, one should fast, and the next morning, before the sun rises, one should bath. Men should apply seven jilleda leaves to their shoulders, while ladies should apply seven saffron leaves. They should then say the mantra below before taking a bath.
  • On Ratha Saptami, it is lucky to pray using cow hair-covered lamps. On Rathasaptami, the area next to Tulsikota where the sun shines in an easterly direction is covered with cow dung, flour padma is made there, the stove is set on fire, milk is boiled, and the milk is mixed with fresh rice, jaggery, ghee, and cardamom to make paramanam.
  • In front of Tulsikota, a chariot with leguminous pods is drawn and an offering is made to the god by putting the paramanna on the leguminous pods.
  • It is good to worship the deity with red flowers on Rathasaptami.

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