Mumbai to Puri Jagannath Temple Route Guide and How To Reach
Know all the details about Mumbai to Puri Jagannath Temple Route Guide and How To Reach, The distance from Mumbai to Puri Temple, and also complete the route guide to travel from Mumbai to Puri.
Puri Temple is one of the famous Shrines in India. Puri Temple is located in North India in Odisha. Puri Temple is completely constructed with Oriyan Architecture. Puri Temple is not only famous for its architecture but also for other concepts like three idols, the way of Pooja, prasadam, and many others. In Puri Temple, a lot of festivals and programs are organized for which people from throughout the country visit Puri Temple.
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Mumbai to Puri Jagannath Temple Route Guide and How To
The total distance from Mumbai to Puri by road is 1722 Km, If people take a flight then the distance will be 1360 Km. As there is no airport in Puri, people have to travel to Bhubaneshwar by flight, and from there people can take a taxi or travel by Train. People can take a bus, train, or flight to travel from Mumbai to Puri. People can use all the below transports and route guides according to their convenience.
Route 1:
- Boarding: Mumbai Airport
- Destination: Bhubaneshwar Airport
- Time Taken: 3 Hrs
- Cost: Rs 9000
- From Bhubaneshwar, people can take taxi or travel the train to reach Puri and it takes 3 Hrs.
Route 2:
- Boarding: Thane Railway Station
- Destination: Puri Railway Station
- Time Taken: 34 hrs
- Cost: 2200
Route 3:
- People can take a car from Mumbai to Puri which takes 25 hrs, to reach the destination.