Know the details about Sringeri Sankara Matam Panchangam 2023-24 Kannada Pdf Online Download, Sringeri Panchangam Online Download Link, And Sringeri Sankara Mutt Panchangam Here.
One of the most well-known Hindu Advaita Peethas is located in Sringeri Sarada Peetha. Those who follow the teachings of Shankaramatalaka Peethadhipathi are known as Adisankaracharyas. This particular Peetha is one of the four that Shankaracharya blessed and established all over the nation. Vidyaranyaswamy, the chief of Sringeri, is credited with establishing the significant Vijayanagara empire in the annals of Indian history.
He also served as a leader to the Bukkarayas and the Harihara Rayas. In recognition of Vidyaranya, the illustrious city that serves as the capital was given the name Vidyanagaram. The name “Vijayanagaram” eventually came to be given to this city as well. The names of rulers from the Vijayanagara empire are beginning to become more widely known alongside those of their predecessors from the Vijayanagara dynasty.
It would appear from the contents of a copper plate that was minted in the year 1336 AD that “Harihara Raya ascended the throne under Vidyaranyu.” Since that time to the present, the title of “Karnataka Simhasana Pratishtapanacharya” has been held by the person in charge of the Sringeri Sarada Peetham.
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Sringeri Sankara Matam Panchangam 2023-24 Kannada Pdf Online Download
Every Year, Sri Sringeri Shankara Mata Administration authorities release the New Year Ugadi Panchangam in the Phalguna Masam. This panchangam is well revised and well-circulated panchangam in Karnataka. Sri Shankara Advaitha Followers follow the same Sringeri Matam Panchangam for all festivals and Ceremony activities.
More than a dozen years ago, Jagadguru Sri Adi Shankara Bhagavatpada established the first of the four Amnaya Peethams at Sringeri with the intention of preserving the sacred heritage of Sanatana Dharma. Sringeri captivated the attention of the great Acharya with its breathtaking panorama, making it a holy site for all time because the Sage Rishyashringa did Tapas here during his visit.
After the Acharya had eradicated all of the non-Vedic creeds that were prevalent in the country, the story goes that he began searching for a convenient and holy location in which he could establish an institution to spread the truths of Advaita Vedanta. This was done so that he could teach others about philosophy. As the Acharya arrived in Sringeri, he discovered a peculiar scene on the banks of the Tunga River.
Sringeri Sankara Matam Panchangam 2023-24 Kannada Pdf Online Download and History:
The hood of a cobra was observed being spread out over a frog that was experiencing labor pains in order to provide the frog with shade from the searing midday sun. The Acharya was so moved by the holiness of the location that he decided to create His first Math in this precise spot because he believed it had the power to inspire love between people who normally would not get along.
According to the Madhaviya Shankara Digvijayam, the Acharya came across a large number of virtuous people at Sringeri and shared the Advaita theory with them. After that, he prayed to the Goddess Sharada, the Deity of Wisdom, and dedicated an icon to her. Hence, the Dakshinamnaya Sri Sharada Peetham is the name given to the Peetham that he established in Sringeri, which is located in South India, with the intention of preserving the Vedas and the holy legacy of Sanatana Dharma.
The Acharya chose Sri Sureshwaracharya, one of his most prominent disciples, to serve as the first Acharya of the Peetham. Since that time, Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s lineage has been preserved at the Peetham in the form of an unbroken Guru Parampara, also known as a garland of spiritual gurus and Jivanmuktas. The subsequent Acharyas have been known to live lives of such extreme austerity and devotion to the practice of penance that their pupils have come to see in them a reflection of Sri Adi Shankara himself.
“This is the Brief Information about Sringeri Sankara Matam Panchangam 2023-24 Kannada Pdf Online Download and History”