Shravana Somawara Vratham 2023 Dates Timings Telugu Calendar

Know the details about Shravana Somawara Vratham 2023 Dates Timings Telugu Calendar, Sravana Somavara Vratham 2023 pooja procedure

Lord Shiva is honored during the month of Shravan in the Hindu calendar. It is considered fortunate to seek Lord Shiva’s favor during the whole of the month. During the month of Shravan, devotees show their devotion to Lord Shiva by fasting in a variety of ways. See below to get the details about Shravana Somawara Vratham 2023 Dates Timings Telugu Calendar

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Shravana Somawara Vratham 2023 Dates Timings Telugu Calendar

When it comes to the observance of fasts and rituals, the day known as Somwar or Sravan Somwar is very important. Although the whole month of Sravana is considered sacred. However, the Sravan Somwar Vrat may be practiced differently by each individual, depending on factors such as their state of health and the specifics of their life. Some individuals will abstain from eating grains and instead consume solely fruit and milk throughout their fast.

At the same time, there are some individuals who limit their intake of foods containing salt to one time each day. In addition to fulfilling religious obligations, fasting is beneficial for purifying the body. Especially during the monsoon season, which sees a rise in the number of microorganisms in the environment, which in turn causes an increase in the prevalence of waterborne and airborne infections.

The act of fasting contributes to the preservation of a healthy internal equilibrium in the body. It is for this reason that it is claimed that abstaining from food during this period might help to detoxify and cleanse both the body and the spirit.

Shravana Somawara Vratham 2023 Dates Timings Telugu Calendar

Shravana Somavara Dates 2023 are:

  • July 10
  • July 17
  • July 24
  • July 31
  • August 7
  • August 14
  • August 21
  • August 28

Shravana Somawara Vratham 2023 Dates Timings Telugu Calendar

The month of Sravana Masam is the one that Hindus look forward to the most. This month is considered to be very fortunate for carrying out social rituals such as weddings, Gruhapravesam (a ceremony for welcoming guests into a new home), upanayana (a ceremony for tying thread), and other rituals of a similar kind.

In the Hindu calendar, the month of Sravan, also known as Sravana masam Maas, comes after the fourth month. The fact that the Nakshatra ‘Sravan’ is the governing star on the day of the full moon during this month gives it additional importance. This is where the name of the current month comes from, so keep this in mind.

Lord Shiva is honored by devotees of the Hindu religion during this month, which bears his name. It is said that seeking the blessings of Lord Shiva while doing devotion to Lord Shiva during the month of Sravan Maasam would result in successful endeavors. During the course of the month, devotees refrain from eating and drinking in order to present Lord Shiva with their sacrifices.

During this time, abhisheka and other specialized forms of worship centered on Lord Shiva are carried out. The holy texts of the Hindu religion place the month of Sravana at the top of the hierarchy of the twelve months that make up the Hindu calendar.

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