Know the details about Murudeshwar Temple Rudrabhishekam Ticket Cost Timings Online Booking, Murudeshwar temple seva cost and booking, Murudeshwar temple official contact number
Murdeshwar is a town in the Uttara Kannada district of the state of Karnataka, India. It is notable for the world’s second-tallest Shiva statue, and it is also famous for the Murudeshwara Temple, which is located on the shore of the Arabian Sea. On the Konkan railway line that runs between Mangalore and Mumbai, the town has a train station. See below to get the details about Murudeshwar Rudrabhishekam Ticket Cost Timings Online Booking
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Murudeshwar Temple Rudrabhishekam Ticket Cost Timings Online Booking Details
The Murdeshwar Temple was erected atop Kanduka Hill, which is encompassed by the waves of the Arabian Sea on three of its sides. It is devoted to Lord Shiva, and in 2008, a Raja Gopura with 20 stories was built at the temple. A lift has been erected by the administrators of the temple so that visitors may go to the top of the Raja Gopura and have a glimpse of the 123-foot-tall Sri Shiva image.
At the base of the hill is another linga dedicated to Rameshwara, and devotees may perform their own acts of service there. Next to the statue of Sri Akshayaguna, a shrine dedicated to Shaneswar has been constructed. There are two concrete elephants that are life-size and stand watch at the stairs that lead up to it. The whole temple and temple complex, including the Raja Gopura, which stands at a height of 209 feet, is considered to be one of the highest.
Murudeshwar Temple Rudrabhishekam Ticket Cost Timings Online Booking And History:
There are sculptures of the Sun Chariot carved into the side of a park, a lake, statues showing Arjuna getting Geetopadesham from Lord Krishna, Ravana being misled by Ganesha in disguise, and Shiva’s manifestation as Bhagirath, descending Ganga. Additionally, there are statues carved around the hill that show Shiva’s manifestation as Bhagirath.
Within the compound of the temple stands a massive, towering statue of Shiva that can be seen from a significant distance away. This statue of Shiva is the third highest one anywhere in the globe. The Statue of Belief is the world’s tallest Shiva statue, and it can be seen in Rajasthan. It took around two years to construct the statue, which stands at a height of 123 feet (37 m).
“This is the Brief Information about Murudeshwar Temple Rudrabhishekam Ticket Cost Timings Online Booking and Details”