Tirumala TTD Thulabharam Seva Tickets Online Booking Process

Know the update regarding Tirumala TTD Thulabharam Seva Tickets Online Booking Process, Tirumala Tirupati Thulabharam Timings Location Ticket here.

Tirumala Thulabaram Seva Procedure

The Srivari Padi Kavali is where Thulabharam is held at the Tirumala Temple. A devotee sits on one pan of the weighing balance during the Thulabaram ritual, while the other pan is filled with objects that are heavier than the devotee. Usually, devotees present sugar, jaggery, or cash.

The weighting object is a gift to the Tirumala Venkateswara Temple. Materials required for Tulabharam are provided by T.T.D, the temple’s administrative body. Few devotees exchange rupee coins in order to fulfill their commitments. Few people fulfill their vows by Niluvudopidi, in which case they merely take off any jewelry they are wearing and drop it into the Hundi. Behind Thulabaaram, there is a Central Control Room where all of the closed-circuit televisions are continuously supervised.

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Tirumala TTD Thulabharam Seva Tickets Online Booking Process

The T.T.D. has made Thulabharam in Srivari Temple easier to perform and more convenient for both the institution and the devotee.

New policy: The T.T.D. only accepts payments in cash and sets fixed tariffs based on the number and the weight of an adult or child. Similar to how Rs. 1 offered is worth Rs. 222, Rs. 5 offered is worth Rs. 555 per kilogram. Similar prices per kilogram are set for rice (Rs 27), sugar (Rs 34), jaggery (Rs 27), and sugar candies (Rs 30).

Two nationalized banks located inside the temple, Indian Bank and Syndicate Bank, manage the entire Thulabharam accounts procedure. A comparable sum to the money raised is deposited in the bank. The banks manage the Thulabaram account in shifts; during the day it is Indian Bank, and at night it is Syndicate.

If someone provides coins, they are considered for Thulabharam, but after being weighed, the devotee must deposit the coins in Srivari Hundi. Hindu rituals such as thulabharam have been practiced since the Dwapara Yuga. When one’s prayers are answered, they are weighed in a balance, and the individual who did so gives God an equal weight in gold, produce, or grains.

With Coins, Thulabharam

  • 1 kilogram, 1 rupee coin,
  • 1 kg, 2 rupee coins, Rs. 332
  • 1 Kg x 5 Rupee Coins = Rs. 565

Items in Thulabharam

  • Rice 1 kg is Rs. 39.
  • Sugar 1 kg is Rs. 37.
  • Jaggery 1 kg is Rs. 35.
  • 1 kg of sugar candy
  • The New List now includes cashew nuts, dried grapes, turmeric powder, ghee, and cardamom.


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