Garbarakshambigai Temple History Darshan Timings Tickets Online Details

Know the details about Garbarakshambigai Temple History Darshan Timings Tickets Online Details, Garbarakshambigai Temple Significance, Open Close Timings, And Location Here.

The ancient Hindu temple known as the Garbarakshambigai Temple may be found in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, specifically in the town of Thirukarukavur. This temple is devoted to the goddess Garbarakshambigai. It is well known that the temple possesses a special power that enables it to bless women with healthy pregnancies and children.

It is thought that the goddess Garbarakshambigai can bestow her blessing on women who are facing problems conceiving a child or who are going through terrible circumstances when they are pregnant.

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Garbarakshambigai Temple History Darshan Timings Tickets Online Details:

It was in the third century BC when construction first began on the Garbarakshambigai Temple. According to the myth, King Kulothunga Chola II, who was known to have had a strong devotion to the goddess Garbarakshambigai, was the one who constructed the temple. The temple was constructed by the king in honour of the goddess, and it was devoted to the women who struggled to conceive children or carry them to full term. The temple has been modernised and altered in many different ways throughout its history. The main sanctum of the temple, however, where worshippers pay their respects to the goddess Garbarakshambigai, has not been altered in any way.

Every day, from 6:00 AM to 1:00 PM and from 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM, the Garbarakshambigai Temple is available to the public. During these specific hours, devotees who wish to seek the goddess’s favour might pay a visit to the temple in question. But, some times of the year are said to be particularly fortunate for women who are pregnant.

On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays, the temple is open extra late to accommodate pregnant ladies for special poojas and rituals. These days are seen to be particularly fortunate for requesting the goddess’s favours, as they are considered exceptionally auspicious. During these specific times, expectant mothers are welcome to come to the temple to take part in the specialised poojas and rituals that are being performed by the priests.

Garbarakshambigai Temple History Darshan Timings Tickets Online Details Booking:

In addition, the temple hosts unique abhishekams and homams specifically for expectant mothers. During the ceremony known as abhishekam, an idol of the goddess is given a bath in various liquids, including milk, honey, and water infused with turmeric. It is believed that doing this will cleanse the idol and increase the power it has to bless those who worship it. The Homam is a ceremony involving the use of fire in which sacrifices are made to a deity by way of the holy flames. It is thought that doing so will call down the favour of the deity and offer the devotee both serenity and wealth in their lives.

In addition to the specialised poojas and ceremonies, the temple features a designated space where expectant mothers can sit quietly and pray in private. This location is sometimes referred to as the Sanctum Sanctorum or the Garbha Griha. Women who are expecting children have the option of coming to this spot to sit and think or pray for a healthy delivery of their kids.

Garbarakshambigai Temple History And Pregnancy Women Pooja Details:

Women who want to have healthy children and safe pregnancies often make the journey to the Garbarakshambigai Temple to seek the goddess’s blessing and ask that she protect them during their pregnancy. It is said that the temple possesses amazing powers that can bestow blessings on worshippers who are having problems conceiving a child or bringing one to full term. The temple has a long history. Because of the particular darshan hours, special poojas, and other rituals that are performed at the temple, it is an excellent location for expectant mothers to attend to seek the blessings of the goddess.

This is the Brief Information about Garbarakshambigai Temple History Darshan Timings Tickets Online Details and More.

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