Know the details about Omkareshwar Temple Accommodation Online Booking, Omkareshwar Temple room booking online, Omkareshwar Temple official contact number
The Omkareshwar Temple may be found in the state of Madhya Pradesh, in the vicinity of the city of Indore. The word “OM” is where the name Omkareshwar came from in the first place. Many devotees think that the Omkareshwar Temple is the site of the fourth and final Jyotirlinga, which is why it is so important to them. The town of Omkareshwar may be found on the course that the River Narmada takes. See below to get the details about Omkareshwar Temple Accommodation Online Booking
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Omkareshwar Temple Accommodation Online Booking
Sage Narada, who was the son of Lord Brahma, is said to have travelled to the Vindhya Parvat and informed the god there that the Meru Parvat was far bigger in size. This caused Vindhya Parvat to have envious feelings. Vindhya mountain, intent on becoming higher than Meru mountain, started praying to Lord Shiva, asking him to bless him and make him taller so that he might surpass Meru.
As a consequence of this, Lord Shiva felt compelled to grant him the favour he had asked for. Lord Shiva was asked by all of the gods to split the linga into two halves, and he complied by placing one portion in Omkareshwar and the other part in Amareshwar. Vindhya Parvat received his blessing with the condition that he would continue to expand, but in exchange, Vindhya should not create any difficulties for other people.
However, Vindhya has broken the vow that he made. Soon after, He was able to obscure even the sun and the moon. Requests for assistance from the gods were brought before the Agastya sages. Vindhya was forced to swear by the wise man Agastya and his wife that they would not allow him to mature until they had returned. Vindhya agreed. The wise man and his wife went away, and they were never seen again. The wise man and his wife travelled to Srisailam, which is known as Dakshina Kashi and is also one of the Dwadash Jyotirlinga. They resided there.
Omkareshwar Temple Official Contact Number: 8989998686, 07280-271228
Omkareshwar Temple Accommodation Online Booking
In the vicinity of Omkareshwar, there are around fifty Dharmashalas that guests may stay in. The vast majority of them have only been built recently and have contemporary conveniences. There is no Dharmashala or Ashram that is managed by the administration of the temple. Shri Gajanan Mahajan Sansthan and the MP Narmada tourist bungalows are two of the most common and well-liked places to stay in the area.
As the temple is heavily crowded in the festival seasons, people who have planned to visit the temple during festivals have to book their accommodation in advance. People can book the rooms online or offline.
To book the rooms online people have to login into the official website of the Omkareshwar Temple and have to book the accommodation. Rooms will be allotted for a time period of 24 hours, and the cost of the room depends on the type of room and also the time of occupancy. People can directly visit the hotels or lodges beside the temple and book the rooms for the required date and time.