Know the details about Mantralayam Raghavendra Swamy Temple daily Seva Timings List, Mantralayam Temple daily pooja timings list
One of the most well-known pilgrimage destinations in South India is the Mantralayam Temple, also known as Sri Raghavendra Swamy Matha. The deity of Sri Guru Raghavendra Swamy is honored in the Mantralayam Temple, despite the fact that the temple does not house the deity of any Hindu god or goddess. In the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh, the temple may be found in the Kurnool district. See below to get the details about Mantralayam Raghavendra Swamy Temple daily Seva Timings List
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Mantralayam Raghavendra Swamy Temple daily Seva Timings List
Mantralayam Sri Raghavendra Swamy Temple daily opens in the morning at 6.30 Am and after some special poojas offered to the Moola Brindavana in the temple people are allowed to do the darshan of the main deity. Some of the main Seva sand poojas are:
- 6.30 AM – Temple Opens
- 7.00 AM – Morning Pooja
- 7.30 AM – Sarva Darshan
- 2.00 PM – Temple closes
- 4.00 PM – Temple Opens
- 4.30 PM – Evening Pooja
- 5.00 PM – Sarva Darshan
- 8.30 PM – Temple closes.
Mantralayam Raghavendra Swamy Temple daily Seva Timings List
a) The timings of the Darshan of Darshan may alter on festivals and other significant occasions.
b) Only when HH Sri Swamiji is currently staying at Mantralayam are devotees eligible to receive Darshana of the Sri Moola Ramadevara Pooja.
c) In the morning, between the hours of 10:00 AM and 11:30 PM, and again in the evening, between 18:30 PM and 20:30 PM, HH Sri Swamiji would bless the devotees and provide Mantrakshata.
d) The Sevadars shall be given the authorization to enter according to the Seva Time schedule.
f) The Pooja Timings would be subject to alteration and variation throughout Aradhana Days.
Holy darshan is performed each day at the Mantralayam Temple, which is attended by hundreds of devotees. The Mantralayam Temple held festivities in honor of a wide variety of holidays throughout the year. The Maharathostavam festival, the Sri Guru Raghavendra Swamy Aradhanostavam festival, and the Dhanurmasa month are some of the celebrations that are mentioned.
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Mantralayam Raghavendra Swamy Temple daily Seva Timings List
Numerous festivals and other types of festivities are held in the Mantralayam Temple at various periods throughout the year. Devotees engage in a number of Pooja rituals, which are collectively referred to as the Hindu prayer, in the hopes that their prayers will be heard and that they would see an improvement in their health.
During the Car festival, which is also referred to as the Maharathostavam, this location puts up a fantastic spectacle. The next event, the Sri Guru Raghavendra Swamy Aradhanostavam, is also expected to draw a large crowd.
The Dhanurmasa festival is one that is given a great deal of attention when it is observed in this location. This month provides the setting for a variety of significant celebrations and rites, including Hastodaka, Tulasi Archana, Maha Mangal aarti, and Rathotsava.
Devotees get individualized services known as Sevas. On holy days, Sevas (services) that last a lifetime should be performed. These sorts of special Sevas are not performed on days that are characterized by an eclipse, Sri Krishna Jayanthi, or Ekadasi.