Karthika Masam 2022 Start Date and End Date in Andhra Pradesh

Know the details about Karthika Masam 2022 Start Date and End Date in Andhra Pradesh, Karthika Masam 2022 Festival Pooja dates. 

Karthika Masam is one of the most important Months in the Hindu calendar. Basically, Karthika Masam will fall in the months of October – November every year. Kartika Masam is mainly dedicated to Lord Shiva. Generally, according to the Hindu calendar, Karthika Masam will start the next day of the Deepavali festival every year. During Kartika Masam, poojas and vratams will be greatly performed in the name of Lord Shiva. Lors Shiva temples all over the country will be of great rush in Kartika Masam. Lakhs of people visit the temples of Lord Shiva to seek the blessings of the deity.

In Kartika Masam along with poojas people perform Kartika snanam throughout the month of Kartika, and it is also considered a sacred thing.

Karthika Masam 2022 Start Date and End Date in Andhra Pradesh

Kartika Masam in the year 2022 starts on October 26, and Kartika Masam ends on November 23, 2022.

Kartika Masam Significance:

  1. Kartika Masam is mainly dedicated to Lord Shiva and is considered as the most important and sacred month.
  2. A lot of special poojas and vratams will be performed in the temples of Lord Shiva and lakhs of people visit temples of Lord Shiva Through Out India to seek the blessings of the Lord.
  3. Karthika Pournami will be celebrated with great dedication and given importance.
  4. In the Kartika Masam, lighting lamps and doing Kartika snanam early in the morning is considered an important and auspicious thing.
  5. People perform many poojas and vratams throughout Kartika Masam, in their houses or Temples.
  6. Reciting Shiva Stotras while performing Poojas or any other auspicious works will give great results.

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