Karchapeswarar Temple Kanchipuram Opening Closing Timings Today

Know the details about Karchapeswarar Temple Kanchipuram Opening Closing Timings Today, Kachapeswaran Temple timings today, Kachapeswaran Temple location route map guide

The Kachapeswar Temple got its name from a tale that states Lord Vishnu worshiped Lord Shiva when he was in the shape of Kacchapa, also known as the turtle. It is not possible to determine the origin of the building of this temple due to the fact that it is extremely ancient; yet, it is believed that the temple originally came from the Pallavas. See below to get the details about Karchapeswarar Temple Kanchipuram Opening Closing Timings Today

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Karchapeswarar Temple Kanchipuram Opening Closing Timings Today

What are the opening and closing timings of the Karchapeswara Temple?

The Karchapeswarar Temple daily opens in the morning at 5:00 AM and closes at 8:00 PM in the evening.

At the temple of Kachabeswarar, the manifestation of Lord Vishnu known as the “Koorma” (tortoise) was the one who worshiped Lord Shiva. Two deities, Lord Shiva as Kachabeswarar and Goddess Soundarambikai, are housed inside this temple, which is located in the tiny hamlet of Thirukkachur in the district of Kancheepuram.

Swayambhu is the name that is often used to refer to the idol. Kachabeswarar was worshiped at this temple by both Lord Brahma and Saraswathi, according to the mythology. Additionally, it is said that the asura guru Sukracharya arrived at this location to pray in order to get Mruthsanjeevini and Vajrayakkai.

The Lord, in the appearance of a Brahmin, performed Bhiksha in order to provide sustenance to his devotee, Sri Sundaramurthy Naayanaar, who had suffered from exhaustion and hunger as a result of the lengthy journey to the temple. This is another narrative that is related to the temple.

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Karchapeswarar Temple Kanchipuram Opening Closing Timings Today

The temple complex has a total area of two acres, and the structure that houses the temple tank is located just outside the entrance to the complex. The shrines of Kachabeswarar and his consorts Antanatchi and Kanniyumaiyal, as well as those of Thiyagarajar and Sundarar, who were fed by Shiav, are considered to be the most significant in the temple.

In addition, the temple is home to a number of additional shrines. Massive granite walls that are placed in a concentric style encircle each and every one of the shrines that are located inside the temple.

Karchapeswarar Temple Kanchipuram Opening Closing Timings Today

A hall that is located next to the main tower is supported by sixteen pillars and has carved columns that depict a range of Hindu deities and stories. The hall is located in the neighborhood of the main tower.

The temple’s calendar contains four yearly festivities in addition to four daily rituals that take place at various times between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. each day. These rituals are performed at different times. The Brahmotsavam celebration, which takes place on the day of the Magam, which occurs between the months of February and March, is the most significant event that takes place.

The Cholas are often regarded as the individuals who were responsible for the creation of the first complex; nevertheless, the existing masonry structure was built during the Nayak period, which took place in the 16th century. In the modern age, the Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Department of the Government of Tamil Nadu is the entity that is accountable for the maintenance and administration of the temple.



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