Kanchi Chitragupta Temple History And Significance

Know the details about Kanchi Chitragupta Temple History And Significance, Kanchi Chitragupta Temple History and importance, and Kanchi Chitragupta Temple location route guide

A Hindu deity known as Chitragupta is honored in the Chitragupta Temple, which can be found in Kanchipuram. Chitragupta, who is also known as the helper of Yamaraja, the God of Death, is the deity of one of the few temples in India that is devoted to him. An impressive example of the traditional architecture that can be seen in the majority of South Indian temples, the temple is a piece of art. See below to get the details about Kanchi Chitragupta Temple History And Significance

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Kanchi Chitragupta Temple History And Significance

According to a Hindu tale, Shiva, the Hindu deity of destruction, was having a conversation with his wife Parvathi about the need to uphold Dharma among all of the people on earth and keep a good record of their actions. He had the impression that he wanted to have someone keep a tight eye on the individuals in order to prevent them from engaging in criminal activities and from engaging in acts of kindness with one another.

There was an image that Shiva sketched on a gold plate, and Parvathi was so captivated that she urged Shiva to elaborate on it. The holy grace of Shiva and Parvathi was responsible for the transformation of the painting into a god. It was Shiva who bestowed the responsibility of keeping a record of the actions of every single human being on earth.

Because his ancestry was descended from a Chitra (picture) and a Gupta (accountant), he became known as Chitraguptha from that point on. In the Hindu religion, Yama is the god of death, and he was assigned the role of Yama’s accountant.

Kanchi Chitragupta Temple History And Significance

Brihaspati, the Guru of planetary deities, and Indra, the monarch of heavenly deities, are said to have had a conflict for a different reason, according to another mythology. Because of the disagreement, Brihaspati decided to stop advocating for Indra, whom he had been working with. At a later time, Indra came to the realization that he had made errors, and he reconciled with his Guru.

He embarked on a journey in order to atone for the crimes that he had committed, and he eventually arrived at the location where a Linga was located. The location was chosen for the construction of a temple, and golden lotuses began to appear in the temple tank that was located nearby. Chitra Pournami was the day in question.

Indra pleaded with Shiva to have a child, but according to the heavenly request, his wife, Indrani, did not intend to have any children. This is the first of three legends that describe this event. During the birth of a child, Shiva instructed Kamadhenu, the sacred cow, to give birth. Later on, Shiva surrendered the infant to Indra and Indrani, who raised him as Chitragupta. Chitragupta was the name that they gave him.

Kanchi Chitragupta Temple History And Significance

According to Hinduism, Chitragupta is the accountant of Yama, the god of death. Yama is the one who keeps track of the good and evil activities of human people in order to determine whether or not they will spend eternity in heaven or hell. The temple is the only one of its sort that is dedicated to Chitragupta and has a separate temple for him.

There are certain rituals of worship that are carried out at the temple on the occasion of each new moon. During the month of April, the most important event is held at the temple in Chitra Pournami. According to Hindu astrology, Chitragupta is the Adidevata for Ketu, which is the ninth planet in the solar hierarchy.

The Kayastha group, who are regarded as the descendants of Shri Chitragupt, worship him as their patron and major god. However, the Shaivites and the Vaishnavites also revere him. During the day, devotees who were female would either fast or eat food that did not include salt in order to seek the blessings of Chitragupta. In the past, traditional village accountants would often worship God in the hopes of receiving supernatural benefits for their line of work.

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