2024 Yogani Ekadashi Date Puja Timings List

Know the details about the 2024 Yogani Ekadashi Date Puja Timings List Latest Information, Items List, Pooja Procedure, Significance of Yogini Ekadashi, Fasting Time, and More.

Yogini Ekadashi 2024: Date, Puja Timings, Procedure, Significance, and Fasting Guidelines

Yogini Ekadashi is one of the significant Ekadashi fasts observed by Hindus. Falling in the Krishna Paksha (waning phase of the moon) of the Hindu lunar month of Ashadha, this sacred day is dedicated to Lord Vishnu. In 2024, Yogini Ekadashi will be observed on Friday, July 5th. This article delves into the details of the 2024 Yogani Ekadashi Date Puja Timings List, items list, procedure, significance, and fasting guidelines.

2024 Yogani Ekadashi Date Puja Timings List

Yogini Ekadashi falls on the 11th day (Ekadashi) of the Krishna Paksha of Ashadha. In 2024, the exact date is July 5th. The puja timings for Yogini Ekadashi are crucial for devotees to observe their rituals correctly. The Ekadashi Tithi begins at 03:12 PM on July 4th, 2024, and ends at 01:58 PM on July 5th, 2024.

  • Ekadashi Tithi Begins: 03:12 PM on July 4th, 2024
  • Ekadashi Tithi Ends: 01:58 PM on July 5th, 2024

Pooja Items List for Yogini Ekadashi

The following items are typically required for performing the Yogini Ekadashi Puja:

  1. Idol/Image of Lord Vishnu: Central to the puja.
  2. Flowers and Garlands: Fresh blooms for offering.
  3. Incense Sticks: For creating a sacred ambiance.
  4. Ghee or Oil Lamps: Traditional diyas.
  5. Panchamrit: A mixture of milk, curd, honey, sugar, and ghee.
  6. Tulsi Leaves: Sacred in Vaishnavism.
  7. Fruits and Sweets: Offerings for the deity.
  8. Sandalwood Paste: Used for tilak.
  9. Holy Water (Gangajal): For purification.
  10. Betel Leaves and Nuts: Traditional offerings.
  11. Rice Grains (Akshat): Symbolic offerings.
  12. Sacred Thread (Kalava): For tying on the wrist.
  13. Banana Leaves: Optional, for placing offerings.

Pooja Procedure for Yogini Ekadashi

  1. Preparation: Begin by cleaning the puja area and taking a ritualistic bath.
  2. Setup: Place the idol or image of Lord Vishnu on a clean platform adorned with flowers and garlands.
  3. Purification: Sprinkle holy water around the puja area to purify it.
  4. Lighting Diyas and Incense: Light ghee lamps and incense sticks to create a serene atmosphere.
  5. Invocation: Meditate on Lord Vishnu and chant mantras to invoke his blessings.
  6. Offerings: Present flowers, Tulsi leaves, fruits, and sweets to the deity while chanting Vishnu Sahasranama or other hymns.
  7. Abhishekam: Perform Abhishekam (bathing of the idol) with Panchamrit and then water.
  8. Sandalwood Paste and Akshat: Apply sandalwood paste and place rice grains on the idol.
  9. Aarti: Perform the Aarti using a camphor lamp and sing devotional songs.
  10. Prasad Distribution: Conclude the puja by distributing the prasad (sanctified food) among family members.

Significance of Yogini Ekadashi

Yogini Ekadashi holds immense significance in Hinduism as it is believed to absolve sins and grant liberation. Observing this fast is said to bring relief from ailments and ensure prosperity and spiritual growth. It is particularly revered for its power to cleanse the soul and remove past karmic debts.

According to Hindu mythology, Lord Krishna narrated the importance of Yogini Ekadashi to King Yudhishthira. The story of Kubera, the King of Alakapuri, and his gardener Hemamali adds to its significance. Hemamali was cursed by Sage Durvasa for neglecting his duties due to indulgence in worldly pleasures. By observing Yogini Ekadashi, Hemamali was able to rid himself of the curse, teaching the lesson of devotion and duty.

Fasting Time and Procedure for Yogini Ekadashi

Fasting on Yogini Ekadashi is considered highly auspicious. The fast begins at sunrise on the day of Ekadashi and ends at sunrise on the Dwadashi (12th day). Devotees abstain from grains, beans, certain vegetables, and non-vegetarian food. Drinking water and fruit juices are allowed, but many devotees opt for Nirjala Vrat (without water).

Fasting Procedure

  1. Pre-Fast Meal: On the day before Ekadashi, devotees consume only one meal, avoiding grains and legumes.
  2. Niyama (Vow): On the morning of Ekadashi, take a vow to observe the fast with devotion and recite the Sankalp.
  3. Observance:
    • Morning: After a ritualistic bath, perform the puja and offer prayers to Lord Vishnu.
    • Throughout the Day: Engage in spiritual activities such as reading scriptures, chanting mantras, and meditating.
    • Evening: Perform the evening Aarti and light a lamp.
  4. Night Vigil (Jagaran): Some devotees stay awake all night, singing bhajans and participating in kirtans.

Fasting Break Time

The fast is broken on the day after Ekadashi, known as Parana, during the Dwadashi Tithi. The fast should be broken after sunrise and before the end of the Dwadashi Tithi. In 2024, the Parana time window is from 06:02 AM to 08:32 AM on July 6th.

  • Parana Timing: 06:02 AM to 08:32 AM on July 6th, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What is Yogini Ekadashi?

Yogini Ekadashi is a sacred fast observed by Hindus, dedicated to Lord Vishnu. It falls on the 11th day of the Krishna Paksha in the month of Ashadha.

2. What are the benefits of observing Yogini Ekadashi?

Observing Yogini Ekadashi is believed to absolve sins, grant prosperity, improve health, and ensure spiritual growth.

3. Can I drink water during the Yogini Ekadashi fast?

While some devotees practice Nirjala Vrat (without water), others may consume water and fruit juices.

4. What foods should be avoided during Yogini Ekadashi?

Devotees should avoid grains, beans, certain vegetables, and non-vegetarian food.

5. How is the fast broken on Yogini Ekadashi?

The fast is broken on the following day (Dwadashi) after sunrise, during the specified Parana time.

6. Can children observe the Yogini Ekadashi fast?

Children can observe a partial fast by avoiding specific foods, but they should not undertake rigorous fasting.

7. What are the puja items needed for Yogini Ekadashi?

Items like an idol of Lord Vishnu, flowers, incense sticks, ghee lamps, Panchamrit, Tulsi leaves, and fruits are typically required.

Yogini Ekadashi is a profound day for spiritual cleansing and devotion. By observing the fast and performing the rituals with dedication, devotees can seek the blessings of Lord Vishnu and attain spiritual and material benefits. May this Yogini Ekadashi bring peace, prosperity, and divine grace to all who observe it. This is the brief information about the 2024 Yogani Ekadashi Date Puja Timings List in detail.

Click here for the 2024 Yogani Ekadashi Date Puja Timings List

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