TTD Tirumala 2023 Senior Citizen Darshan Tickets Online Booking

Know the details about TTD Tirumala 2023 Senior Citizen Darshan Tickets Online Booking, TTD senior citizen darshan quota release date, TTD senior citizen darshan latest news

Tirumala temple is one of the ancient and biggest temples in India and is the abode of Kaliyuga Pratyakshs daivam Lord Venkateshwara Swamy. Tirumala temple is located in the Tirupathi district in Andhra Pradesh state. People from all over the country visit Tirumala temple to do the darshan of Lord Venkateshwara Swamy and to seek the blessings of the main deity. People from all over the country visit Tirumala Temple irrespective of their age. Due to the heavy crowd, there will be some difficulty for small children and old people. To overcome this TTD Management has provided separate slots for the darshan of the ages people. People ages above 65 years are eligible for this darshan slot, and they have to book their tickets through the process which TTD has started. Check below for the details about Senior citizens’ darshan in TTD online booking.

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TTD Tirumala 2023 Senior Citizen Darshan Tickets Online Booking

TTD has provided separate special darshan for senior citizens and also for physically handicapped people. There will be a special entry point before the Tirumala temple for senior citizens and for physically handicapped people. Traveling distance and the darshan time will be very less for the people who book their tickets under this quota.

  1. Senior citizen darshan slots are allotted to people who are aged above 65 years.
  2. Tirumala temple darshan is totally free of cost for senior citizens who book tickets under this quota.
  3. People have to collect the tickets near the office in Tirumala if they have booked the tickets offline and recently online ticket booking is started.
  4. Daily there will be two slots for senior citizens’ darshan one in the morning at  10 AM and the other in the afternoon at 01 PM.
  5. Reporting time will be two hours before the darshan time.

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