Tirumala All Mutts Room Accommodation Online Booking Phone Number

Know the details about Tirumala All Mutts Room Accommodation Online Booking Phone Number, Tirumala Mutt list and contact number, Tirumala Mutt list and room online booking Here

Tirumala Balaji temple is one of the most famous Vaishanavite pilgrimages in India. Tirumala Sri Venkateshwara Swamy temple is located in the Tirupathi district in Andhra Pradesh state. People from all over the country visit Tirumala temple to do the darshan of the main deity and seek the blessings of Lord Sri Venkateshwara Swamy. People reaching Tirumala temple can take accommodation in the rooms provided by the Tirumala temple management. People can also get rooms from the nearby Mutt in Tirumala. Check below to get details about the Tirumala Mutt list and also accommodation booking in Tirumala.

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Click here to get Tirumala Kashi Mutt Rooms Accommodation Online Booking Phone

Tirumala All Mutts Room Accommodation Online Booking Phone Number

There are various Mutts in Tirumala and people can get accommodation in any Mutt. Only Hindus are allowed inside the Mutt in Tirumala. People visiting Tirumala have to book in advance their accommodation in any of the Mutt. Below is a list of some of the Mutt located in Tirumala very near to Srivari temple.

S.NoMutt NameContact Number
1Mula Mutt8772277499
2Sri Vallabhacharya Mutt8772277317
3Sri Kashi Mutt8772277316
4Sankara Mutt8772279345
5Uttaradhi Mutt8772277305
6Raghavendra Swamy Mutt8772277302
7Vyasaraja Mutt8772277304
8Kanchi Mutt8772277370
9Hadiramji Mutt8772220015
10Pushpagiri Mutt8772277419
11Sringeri Mutt8772279435
12Ahobila Mutt8772279440
13Udupi Mutt8772277301
14Karnataka Guest House8772277238

People can book accommodation online or offline. In some Mutts only offline booking is available and people can also book a room by directly calling to the temple Mutt management. During festivals and Brahmotsavams there will be heavy crowds and people have to book rooms in advance. Rooms will be allotted only for the time period of 24 hours and rooms are allotted only for families.

2 thoughts on “Tirumala All Mutts Room Accommodation Online Booking Phone Number”

  1. Hi
    Preethika Shetty from Mangalore, We have booked 18 tickets to Tirupati for darshan, please provide us with contact details or guide us for booking 5 rooms in Udupi Matt.
    We are reaching on 15TH OCTOBER 2023 and darshan on 16th OCTOBER/2023. Please guide me for one-day accommodation at Tirumala.


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