Karni Mata Temple Accommodation Booking Online

Know the details about Karni Mata Temple Accommodation Booking Online, Karni Mata Temple Dharmashala rooms booking, Karn Mata Temple Rooms Booking Here.

Karni Mata Temple is one of the best-known temples in North India. People from all across the country and also people from abroad visit the temple to do the darshan of the deity and also to seek the blessings of the Karni Mata. Karni Mata Temple is located in Bikaner, Rajasthan. See below to get the details about Karni Mata Temple Accommodation Booking

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Karni Mata Temple Accommodation Booking Online and History:

Karni Mata temple is one of the best-known temples in North India. People from different parts of the country visit the temple daily. Karni Mata temple will be opened daily. Every day Karni Mata Temple will be opened in the morning at 4.00 AM and closed in the night at 9.00 PM.

People from different parts of the country visit the temple to do the darshan of the Goddess Karni Mata. Devotees visiting Karni Mata temple will be mesmerized by its architecture, and in Karni Mata temple there is a ritual of feeding rats. Up to 20,000 rats will be present in the temple and there is a belief that they will never harm the pilgrims visiting the temple.

Pilgrims are said not to harm the rats in the temple and instead, pilgrims and visitors feed the rats in the temple with some food. Hundreds of people daily visit the temple and during festivals and during any other events performed in the temple there will be a huge crowd in the temple. So before visiting the temple people have to get detailed information about temple timings and also accommodation facilities around the temple.

Karni Mata Temple Accommodation Booking Online

There are so many rooms and hotels near the temple. People can book the rooms by directly going to the hotels or Dharmashala. People can also book the rooms by directly calling the management. below are some names of Hotels and Dharmshala present near Karni Mata Temple. They are

Mehta Dharmashala:

  • AC room  – Rs 450
  • AC room double bed – Rs 750
  • Maheshwari Dharmashala
  • Moti Bhavan
  • Bhishnoi Dharmashala and many others

Karni Mata Temple Accommodation Booking

  • Rooms will be allotted for a time period of 24 hours.
  • During the festival seasons, there will be a heavy crowd and people have to book the rooms in advance.
  • The room will be allotted for 24 hours and to extend the time people have to pay extra money.
  • People can also book the room by directly calling the accommodation center and booking the room for the selected date.
  • Room allotment will be completed after the payment process.
  • People can reside in the room and can go to the temple and also to the sightseeing places.

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