Know the details about Annavaram Temple Live Darshan Status Today Online Booking, Annavaram Temple opening timings, Annavaram temple, location route map
Temples may be found in the town of Annavaram, which is located on the banks of the Pampa River. It may be located in the East Godavari region of the state of Andhra Pradesh in India. The hamlet features a temple dedicated to Veera Venkata Satyanarayana, which is a form of the Hindu god Vishnu. This temple is located on Ratnagiri Hill. See below to get the details about Annavaram Temple Live Darshan Today
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Annavaram Temple Live Darshan Status Today Online Booking
In terms of pilgrimage, the Tirupati Temple in Andhra Pradesh receives the most visitors, while the Annavaram Temple in Tamil Nadu is the second most popular holy place in the nation. The Satyanarayana Swami Temple at Annavaram was designed and built in the traditional Dravidian style. The Revakhanda of the Holy Skandhapuranam sings praises to Lord Satyadeva, the god that presides over the temple, for his abundant splendor and prosperity.
The God of Truth is known as Lord Satyadeva, and in his magnificently realized form as the holy trinity known as Hari Hara Hiranyagarbha Trimurti Yatmaka, he bestows his everlasting blessings on all people on earth. As a consequence of this, the temple is the only one in the area that is frequented by devotees of both the Vaishnava and Saiva schools of Hinduism.
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Annavaram Temple Live Darshan Status Today Online Booking
Annavaram Temple daily opens in the morning at 6.00 AM and closes at 9.00 PM
Raja, also known as Ramarayanam, is said to have been the zamindar of the Gorasa and Kirlampudi estates close to Samalkot after being ordained by the Lord in a dream. According to tradition, this event took place. On the day of Sravanasuddhavidiya in the year Khara 1891 of the Telugu calendar, he tracked down the idol atop the hill, worshipped it, and then put it in this spot.
The temple was constructed on a hill that provided panoramic views of the Bay of Bengal, which is about 18 kilometers distant, as well as a row of the gorgeous Eastern Ghats, which are located on the other side. The town of Ratnagiri is hemmed in on all sides by the Pampa River and the surrounding hills. 460 well-built stone stairs go up to the top of the main hillock, which is about 100 meters (300 feet) above sea level.
The main temple is designed in the form of a chariot, complete with wheels at each of the building’s four corners. The main temple’s entrance showcases several examples of contemporary architecture, including a Kalyanamantapa. Along the way, there is a Ramalaya, and then there are temples to Vana Durga, who is respected, and it is stated that the Devi may be seen there at night, according to the sacred precincts that forever protect the lord.
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Annavaram Temple Live Darshan Status Today Online Booking Details:
The sun and the moon, which are essential to the functioning of the cosmos, are symbolized by the chariot’s wheels. The many aspects of the temple each reveal a different facet of spirituality.
The temple has a main entrance and two levels of accommodation. The main entrance is entirely covered in gold plating, and the lower level is home to the YANTRAM while the upper story houses the PEETHAM.
The four sides of the Yantram, which together comprise the Panchayathanam, each have a deity named Ganapathi Deva, Bala Tripurasundari, Satyanarayana Swamy, and Maheshwara Swamy.
The statue of Moola Virat Lord Satyanarayana Swamy can be seen in the center of the first floor. Moreover, the idols of the Goddess Sri Anantha Lakshmi Ammavaru and Lord Shiva can be found on the right and left sides of the room, respectively.
While the devotees go around covered in golden Kavacham, the idols of the gods and goddesses leave a wonderful view of the procession.
“This is the Information about Annavaram Temple Live Darshan Status Today Online Booking and Details”